X-Men Days of Future Past Movie Review (No Spoilers)

wolverine in days of future past review

The X-Men had an excellent start with that first film, cashing in on some amazing casting choices with the likes of Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, accompanied by the last minute casting of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.  Not to mention an excellent supporting cast among them. 

With the sequel, X2, we were given what I still believe to be one of the finest superhero movies we've seen.  

And then there was the third film. Bryan Singer was gone... off to direct the underrated but ill-fated Superman Returns as, sigh, Brett Ratner took over the helm.  It was terrible.  It had moments, but overall, it was terrible. 

Fox tried to start a new multi-franchise platform with the X-Men Origins concept, beginning with Wolverine's first solo venture, which turned out to be lack luster despite some shining moments.  Because of the lukewarm response, the Magneto film was cancelled, among others.

The last Wolverine flick, aptly titled The Wolverine, was far better and is underrated in its own right in my eyes.        

We were also given the reboot X-Men: First Class, which introduced a younger Xavier and Magneto, among others.  It was a great film in its own right to be sure, however, I missed Jean Grey, Cyclops, Storm, Iceman, and Wolverine as a group.  But we were given some additional excellent casting to behold. 

And now, here we watch as fans are given the best of both worlds colliding together.

X-Men: Days of Future Past delivers on multiple levels.  It has its downfalls, but those issues are nothing compared to the epic fail of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the third X-Men, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Green Lantern, Daredevil, etc. 

 I predict that some purists will take issue with the science fiction and time travel angles ever so present in this new instalment.  Some will call it gimmicky in that respect.  I, however, feel that it is the film's strong suit. 

The canvas 
The film has so many A-Lister's that your mind boggles. What makes the film worthy of your money is what they bring to it. Lawrence looks vulnerable and determined in equal measures. Her Mystique is a woman with a mission and has a mind of her own. A favourite of X-Men fans, she delivers yet again. Singer has Jackman's role cut out and the actor performs. He brings in those moments of mirth, indecision and raw hurt to the film. And while the world gets a chance to see a new side of the actor (he went nude for a shot), India didn't.

While Stewart and McKellen don't have much to do this time, their younger selves McAvoy and Fassbender deliver commendable performances. Others like Halle Berry, Ellen Page et al are also their in fleeting appearances. Here's a little spoiler: it is quite treat to see the ever-in-control Professor X as an alcoholic.SORRY! 

This isn't just another superhero movie.  Like Captain America: The Winter Soldier, we're given something more than a mere superhero film.  Those films are vastly different in their approach to accomplishing that mind you.  CA2 was a political thriller.  X-Men:DOFP is a science fiction time travel yarn.  And I love it. The movie starts with a great action scene, wherein we get to see the prowess of new mutants in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and then we see what Sentinels are really capable of. A lot of old favourites return. The movie is high on emotions and the complex relationship of Professor X and Magneto is just great to watch.

Peter Dinklage does a fine job as Bolivar Trask. Like any time travel tale, there are plot holes that weaken the movie. In avoiding spoilers, I won't go as far as to say that I thought plot holes surrounding Magneto were the weak points of the movie and at times left me scratching my head on the character's motivations and actions.

References were well placed in this movie--to historical events, comic books, and past X-Men movies. Keep an eye out for those and enjoy! X-Men: Days of Future Past accomplishes a balance between comedy and drama. While the apocalyptic future raises the emotional stakes, we see the funny shortcomings of the distressed past. It is much like The Avengers in this sense but on a grander scale. Overall, this new instalment is a welcome return to the old X-Men guard, it's a welcome return of the new (First Class), and its a great introduction for some as well, especially American Horror Story's Evan Peters, who offers a hilarious turn as Quicksilver, showing us that humour can be handled well, without the cheese of 

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

And yes, there are some welcome surprises that I won't ruin.  And be sure to stay through the end of the credits because yes, it is confirmed, there is already a follow up planned called X-Men: Apocalypse.